
Public email lists

  • DEF Mailing List (click to subscribe). You will receive our monthly newsletter and occasional additional emails, such as news blasts or requests for participation in a dry eye community research survey.

  • Event Notifications (click to subscribe). You will receive an email at the beginning of each week with links to the week’s Zoom Groups, webinars, etc.

  • Eye Drop Safety Alerts (click to subscribe). You will receive email alerts about recalls, Warning Letters and other safety notifcations about over-the-counter eye drops.

  • Eye Care Providers (click to subscribe). You will receive emails just for eye care providers.

Members: Manage your email subscriptions

Sign in to your myDEF account and manage your email list subscriptions all in one place. Your options include new content notifications, volunteer project updates, and DEF LIVE, your window into our inner circle.

If you don’t have a myDEF account, create one today!