we need community

Dry eye is a journey.

Don’t do it alone.

Connecting with fellow patients helps combat the inevitable feeling of isolation that so many of us experience, put many things in perspective, and brings all kinds of unexpected practical wisdom into our lives. Please explore our resources for connecting with others!


Reading stories from other patients is a simplest, effective way to start finding vital common threads with other patients. Everyone’s story is unique - and yet each story bears echoes of others.

Please visit dryeyestories.com. And if at some point you are ready to tell your story, you can submit it online or just email us.



We run a variety of Zoom groups to help you connect with people who understand your experiences. Check out our Calendar for upcoming Zoom group meetings! Some of these meetings are recorded and archived on our YouTube channel, in case you want to check them out and see what it’s like.


Dry Eye Talk

My Big Fat Scleral Lens


DryEyeZone, which we started in 2005, is the longest-running dry eye forum on the internet. These days, many new users prefer the convenience and rapid-fire interactions of Facebook groups, but the forum still offers unique advantages, including anonymity, in-depth discussions, and searchable archives.

one on one

Not a Facebook user? Not ready to connect with a group? Contact us. We all need someone to talk to about our eyes.