At school

talking to teachers and professors

  • Talk about how dry eye affects your work or productivity. Do you have trouble using the computer, reading, staying up late, or feel uncomfortable caring for your eyes in public? Try starting with teachers or professors who you think will be sympathetic and build out from there.

support and resources

  • With a counsellor, trusted professor, therapist, dean, or ombudsperson, identify the issues dry eye causes and talk about accommodations or other options you might have available. Ask them to identify resources that are available for you.

  • With a counsellor, trusted professor, therapist, dean, or ombudsperson, discuss how dry eye affects you mentally or emotionally. Does it make it harder to study, turn assignments in on time, or come to class?

  • Talk about how dry eye affects your physical appearance or if your eyes are often red.

All done? Share your experience and suggestions below.